Short-Balloon Setting

Higher performance level in ring and compact-spinning
  1. Reduced yarn tension
  2. Higher spindle speed
  3. Longer traveler lifetime
G 38 short-balloon setting

Product details

The new Rieter short-balloon setting for ring and compact-spinning machines helps raising the bar by balancing the various balloon forces during cop build-up, thanks to adapted hardware. Trials at spinning mills showed that this brings advantages in terms of up to 10% less ends down rates in average and longer traveler lifetime. Alternatively, the ends down rate can be kept constant, and instead the spindle speed can be increased by 3 to 6%. With an 8% longer traveler lifetime spinning mills save maintenance costs and reduce downtimes.

Lower ends down rate at different cop stages (test results mill Pakistan)
Lower ends down rate at different cop stages (test results mill Pakistan)

Lower ends down rate

The new short-balloon setting creates yarn balloons with shorter height and smaller diameter. This reduces the circumferential speed and thus tension peaks, and balances various balloon forces during cop build-up. As a result, less end breaks in average and a significantly lower yarn break rate at the critical cop bottom stage is possible. Various trials verify this advantage: 23% less yarn breaks in average during cop build-up and significantly lower number of yarn breaks at the cop bottom stage for a fine count yarn of 100% cotton, Ne 60, twist TM 4.2. Another trial shows a 10% reduction of yarn breaks in average, achieved for a 100% cotton (combed) yarn, Ne 30, twist TM 3.6.

Increased spindle speed
Increased spindle speed

Expanding technological limits

If the customer is satisfied with the ends down rate of the running installation, then the spinning machine with the new short-balloon setting can run with increased spindle speed. Due to a lower yarn tension level, the breakage level can remain the same, although the speed is on a higher level. During a trial, the customer increased the spindle speed of its machine from 17 000 to 18 500 rpm, staying within his ends breaks limits and without any traveler fly. The spindle speed increased by 9% for this 100% cotton carded yarn, Ne 20, twist TM 4.3.

Higher production due to yarn twist reduction
Higher production due to yarn twist reduction

Exceed production target

Another approach to use the huge technological potential of the new short-balloon setting is a yarn twist reduction to increase production. This was also tested in practice. By a twist reduction of TM 4.0 to 3.9 and an increase of the spindle speed from 23 200 to 23 500 rpm, the machine with short-balloon setting was able to exceed the production target and achieved a production level of 29.5 g/spi h for a 100% cotton combed yarn, Ne 30. This is a production increase of 8%.

Reducing maintenance cost and effort

Lowering the yarn tension by using the short-balloon setting also has a positive impact on the traveler lifetime. Maintenance cost and effort can be reduced. During the trials, in average an 8% longer traveler lifetime was achieved. This results in savings for both, parts and labor costs, due to less frequent traveler change.

The short-balloon setting is standard for new machines and can also be ordered as an upgrade for already installed machines.