Innovation Center Winterthur

Source of inspiration for the spinning industry

Exterior view of the Rieter Innovation Center, the international headquarters of the Rieter Group in Winterthur, Switzerland.

Rieter consolidates its innovative strength at the international headquarters in Winterthur, Switzerland: This is where automation and digitalization solutions for the spinning mill of the future are created. At the Spin Center, customers and partners have the opportunity to conduct spinning trials with textile technologists, develop new yarns, and pursue further training.

The Spin Center: Developing ideas together

The Rieter headquarters are home to the most modern Spin Center of its kind. The full Rieter range of machines can be found here – including bale openers, all four end-spinning processes, and winding machines. The Spin Center provides Rieter customers and partners unique opportunities:

  • Spinning trials: In the Spin Center, customers can carry out spinning trials together with Rieter specialists as well as evaluate practical and cost-effective solutions for their needs.
  • Training courses and exchanging knowledge: The machine set-up, combined with the professional Rieter trainers, is the perfect starting point for customer training and exchanging knowledge with Rieter experts.
  • New developments for yarns: Both customers and well-known fashion brands, start-ups, and organizations are seeking insights and recommendations for spinning new raw materials, including mechanically and chemically recycled fibers. The Spin Center is the perfect place to determine the optimum components and machine settings, from the bale all the way to the yarn.
Interior view of the Spin Center at the Rieter Innovation Center in Winterthur, Switzerland. In the foreground, a Rieter expert works on a comber.
Comber in the Spin Center.

Developing new solutions together

Please get in touch if you would like to conduct a spinning trial with us, develop a new yarn, or benefit from our training programs at the Innovation Center.

Showroom: Experience textile know-how

The showroom gives our customers the opportunity to experience Rieter’s textile know-how up close. Depending on your interests, you can take an in-depth look at the Rieter product range, including products from Accotex, Bräcker, Graf, Novibra, Süssen, SSM, and Temco, all of which belong to the Rieter Group. Fabric samples and end products made from yarns spun on Rieter machines, particularly from recycled fibers, are a highlight.

Textile technologist analyzes the quality of a sliver in the textile laboratory at the Rieter Innovation Center in Winterthur.
In the textile laboratory, the quality of production is checked in detail.

Innovation through cooperation

At the Innovation Center, Rieter works closely with renowned universities, external research institutes, and specialists from the textile industry. These include the German Institutes of Textile and Fiber Research, the University of Leeds, and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZHAW). 

The goal is to jointly develop technologies that will shape the future of the spinning industry. One focus is on the areas of digitalization and sustainability in yarn production.

Facade of Rieter’s sustainable Innovation Center in Winterthur, Switzerland.
A quarter of the energy consumed at the headquarters comes from renewable sources.

Setting an example for sustainability

Rieter is committed to achieving net zero emissions by 2040. The new headquarters in Winterthur is a prime example of energy efficiency and sustainability. A quarter of the energy is generated from renewable resources. Geothermal probes and a roof-mounted photovoltaic system with an area of around 1 300 square meters are available for this purpose.