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Here you find up-to-date stock information and share performance. Furthermore, stock key data, performance indicators over several years and dividend information.


Significant shareholdings in companies domiciled in Switzerland or in companies not domiciled in Switzerland whose equity securities are listed in whole or in part or whose primary listing is on SIX Swiss Exchange must be reported to the company and to the Disclosure Office of SIX Swiss Exchange.

Notifications published by issuers are available on the SIX Swiss Exchange plattform:


Please inform Rieter Holding Ltd. in case of exceedance or shortfall of the threshold only by e-mail with the official term "Disclosure of Shareholdings" of SIX Swiss Exchange: shareregister(at)

For all other topics please contact:

Share register
Klosterstrasse 20
8406 Winterthur
T +41 52 208 86 22

Stock Key Data

Share Details 
Trading sinceAugust 2, 1996
Shares issued (December 31, 2023)4 672 363 
Par value per share5.00 CHF
Share capital 23 361 815 CHF
Capital bandBetween CHF 22 193 725 (lower limit) and CHF 25 697 995 (upper limit).
Treasury shares (December 31, 2024)151 962
Trading currencyCHF
Valor symbolRIEN
Valor number367 144
ExchangeSIX Swiss Exchange
Product typeMid and Small Caps Swiss Shares

Data per Share (RIEN)

Data  20202021202220232024
Market capitalization1)December 31CHF million432795470405384
Market capitalization/EBITDA ratio2)  -
Share price at SIX Swiss ExchangeDecember 31CHF96.7177.0105.090.184.9
Equity attributable to shareholders of Rieter Holding Ltd. per shareDecember 31CHF78.5088.0880.3483.8390.90
Basic earnings per share CHF-
Price/earnings ratio1)  -4.825.138.95.536.5
Dividend per share CHF0.004.001.503.002.003
Dividend payout ratio1) in %0.056.855.618.285.8
Dividend yield1) in %

1) Definition in alternative performance measures.
2) The comparative periods have been adjusted retrospectively as a result of the reclassification of the share in profit of associated companies from financial result to the operating result (see note 1.3 on page 140 of the Annual Report).
3) See proposal of the Board of Directors, page 204 of the Annual Report.


Oliver Streuli

Chief Financial Officer
Klosterstrasse 20
8406 Winterthur