High-Speed Package

Highest speeds in ring and compact spinning
  1. 12% more yarn production
  2. Minimal energy consumption and low noise level
  3. Higher cop content with right tube/spindle combination

Product details

The further development of the proven Rieter ring and compact-spinning machines with the High-Speed Package yields enormous benefits to the customer in terms of productivity, flexibility, and energy savings. Maximum spindle speeds are achieved based on optimized spindles, tubes, and spinning rings. With a delivery speed of up to 40 m/min, the ring spinning machine with High-Speed Package produces up to 12% more yarn. Selecting the right components is crucial for higher productivity with consistently good yarn quality.

LENA 28 spindle

The high-precision spindle LENA 28 achieves up to 28 000 revolutions per minute, an encrease by 12% compared to 25 000 rpm achieved until now. A smaller wharve diameter enables this high spindle speed with minimal energy consumption. LENA 28 also features a second damping system that significantly reduces bearing loads and noise levels. Low vibration, reduced maintenance, and a long service life characterize these spindles. 

Smaller spinning ring diameter

The High-Speed Package also includes a smaller spinning ring with a diameter of just 34 mm. The traveler needs less distance and less time for one revolution on the smaller ring. With a smaller spinning ring diameter, the traveler speed is reduced, opening up potential for an increase in spindle rotation. A plus of 3 000 rpm means a higher production of 21 tons/year, exemplary realized with cotton yarn, Ne 60. This is applicable in spinning mills with Rieter ring and compact-spinning machines.

New DUI dimension for tubes and adapted spindles

A smaller spinning ring diameter means less space for yarn on the tube. This would lead to more doffing processes and reduce profitability. To prevent this, a tube with a smaller bottom inner diameter (DUI) was designed, and the LENA 28 was adapted accordingly. The tube with the smaller DUI dimension can thereby take almost the same yarn weight as a conventional tube. So, the number of doffing processes on the spinning machine and number of cop changes on the winding machine remain the same.