
  1. Higher yarn quality with better tenasity elongation and CC-value
  2. Optimised for dpf <1
  3. Developed and applicable for yarns with dtex <50 and dpf <1
  4. Higher output due to possible speed increase of at least 40 m/min

Product details

The use of ceramic discs has always dominated the production of Polyamide as there is no difference between Polyurethan and ceramic discs in terms of yarn quality with heavy dtex. Until now, PU discs have been very rarely used in PA texturing due to the shorter service life of PU discs.

The main problem regarding the service life of PU discs is not wear, as is common in PES production, but the polishing of the surface, which makes threading the yarn much more di cult. The reason for this is that the dtex of most PA yarns is  finer compared to PES  fibers, further the low yarn tension with  ner dtex causes the pane surface to be polished. To slow down this polishing process, Temco developed a PU disc with nano technology, the NanoDisc.


Nano technology compared to Cermamic and normal PU

  • PU is simpler to thread compared to the easily damageable ceramic material
  • Lifetime of at least 2 years ( approved by multiple years of testing / field trials)
  • Lower investment costs combined with a higher price-performance ratio for NanoDisc compared to ceramic

Comparison Study Results

Temco carried out a comparative study over a period of more than 2,5 years to compare the innovative Nano Technology with
benchmark ceramic discs available on the market. Various textile related by key figures were compared over this period of time and can be found below.