Media Releases

Facts and figures on the fiscal year, semi-annual results, annual general meeting, acquisitions and many other media releases of the Rieter Group are available for download on this page. The most up-to-date at the top and quickly accessible, but also those of recent years are easy to find. And anyone who is interested in an event from Rieter in the past will be successful in the archive or should contact the Rieter media relations.

Logo of the ITM 2018 with important informations

Comprehensive range for high yarn quality combined with maximum flexibility and efficiency / Spinning systems for conventional ring and compact yarns / Semi-automated rotor spinning machine R 36 –…

Financial reports shown on various devices

Order intake grows by 16% to CHF 1 051 million / Sales increases by 2% to CHF 966 million / Order backlog rises by CHF 100 million to CHF 540 million / EBIT margin of 5.4% (before restructuring…

Page 1 of the media and investor presentation, January 31, 2018

Order intake grows by 16% to CHF 1 051 million / Sales increases by 2% to CHF 966 million / Order backlog rises by CHF 100 million to CHF 540 million / EBIT margin before restructuring charges between…

Order intake up on previous year / Increased order intake in all three business groups in the third quarter / Details on outlook for 2017


Start-up of the study competition scheduled for mid-November 2017 / Five renowned consultancy firms from the Canton of Zurich commissioned


Air view at the Rieter Ingolstadt location

Focusing on the development of machines in Ingolstadt (Germany) / Relocation of production to Usti (Czech Republic) / Establishment of a transfer company / Expected cost reductions of over CHF 15…


The Media Releases of years 2017 back to 2009 are available in the archive.

Relindis Wieser

Head Group Marketing & Communication, Member of the Extended Group Executive Committee
Klosterstrasse 20
8406 Winterthur