The following tables include the definitions of performance measures as used by Rieter to measure sustainability:
Perfomance Measures – Definitions

Definitions for ecological performance measures
Ecological target | Performance measure | Rieter definition |
Energy consumption | Energy efficiency indicator = Energy consumption (in MWh p. a.) CHF 1 000 sales (p. a.) | Energy consumption from various energy sources (electricity, gas, renewable energies, other) in megawatt hours per year (MWh p. a.) divided by CHF 1 000 sales per year (p. a.). |
Greenhouse gas emissions | Greenhouse gas emissions indicator = Greenhouse gas emissions (kg p. a.) CHF 1 000 sales (p. a.) | Greenhouse gas emissions in kilograms per year (kg p. a.) divided by CHF 1 000 sales per year (p. a.). Greenhouse gas emissions contain the following scopes in accordance with the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Protocol:
Acidification | Acidification indicator = Acidification (kg p. a.) CHF 1 000 sales (p. a.) | SOx emissions in kilograms per year (kg p. a.) divided by CHF 1 000 sales per year (p. a.). SOx emissions contain all gases that, in combination with water, can contribute to the acidification of water and soil in the manufacturing process. They are measured in sulphur dioxide equivalents (SOx). |
Water consumption | Water consumption = Water consumption (m3 p. a.) CHF 1 000 sales (p. a.) | Consumption of process water for production and hygiene in cubic meters per year (m3 p. a.) divided by CHF 1 000 sales per year (p. a.). |
Waste | Waste generation indicator = Total waste (kg p. a.) CHF 1 000 sales (p. a.) | Amount of waste generated in the production process in kilograms per year (kg p. a.) divided by CHF 1 000 sales per year (p. a.). |
Recycling | Recycling rate = Total recycling (kg p. a.) Total Waste volume (kg p. a.) | Recyclable waste volume in kilograms per year (kg p. a.) as a percentage of the waste volume generated in the production process in kilograms per year (kg p. a.). |
Definitions for social performance measures
Social target | Performance measure | Rieter definition |
Workforce Turnover | Workforce Turnover rate (in %) = Total number of voluntary departures (p. a.) Average number of employees (full-time equivalent p. a. ) x 100 | Voluntary staff departures per year (p. a.) as a percentage of the average value of the last 12 month-end headcount values. Excludes temporaries, apprentices, and retirees. |
Women in management positions | Women in management positions (in %) = Women in top four management levels (p. a) Total number of management positions (p. a.) x 100 | Number of women in top four management levels as a percentage of employees at these management levels. |
Training and development | Training days per employee per year = Total number of education days/trainings (p. a.) Total number of employees (full-time equivalent, p. a.) x 100 | Number of training days per year (p. a.) divided by the number of employees, excluding temporaries and apprentices. |
Absences | Absence rate (in %) = Total days of absence due to accident or illness (p. a.) Total number of working hours of all employees (p. a.) x 100 | Number of hours of absence per year (p. a.) divided by the number of working hours per year (p. a.). Absence includes all hours during which employees are unable to work due to illness or accident. The number of hours worked includes the contractual hours worked by all employees, excluding public holidays and paid leave. |
Occupational safety (occupational accidents) | Occupational accidents frequency rate = Total number of occupational accidents (major and minor, p. a.) Total working hours (in millions p. a.) | Number of occupational accidents per year (p. a.) divided by the number of working hours per year (p. a.) in millions. Occupational accidents are accidents that occur during the performance of professional activities and during working hours (including business trips) and that result in an absence from work of more than one working day. |

Reporting on non-finanical matters 2024
Rieter has a clearly defined sustainability strategy that is closely linked to the Group strategy. In the 2024 Annual Report, the report on non-financial matters shows the progress Rieter has made in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance.