Corporate Governance on Non-financial Matters

Integrity and trust form the core of Rieter’s corporate culture. These central values are firmly anchored in the Code of Conduct and Supplier Code as well as in the company’s mission and vision.
Code of conduct
As a global company, Rieter observes the laws and regulations of the countries in which it operates. The actions and practices of all Rieter companies and their employees are in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of the United Nations, the fundamental conventions of the international labor organizations and the OECD guidelines for multinational companies.
Business ethics
The business relationships between Rieter and its partners are based on the principles of honesty and trust.
The safety of Rieterʼs products for customers as well as operating and maintenance personnel in all phases of the product cycle is of great importance to Rieter.
Rieter and its business partners work together closely to achieve a high standard and continuous improvements in this area.
Human rights
Rieter respects the human rights of its employees and provides them with a professional, safe and hazard-free working environment. Rieter obliges its suppliers to observe human rights.
Rieter rejects any form of compulsory or forced labor and does not tolerate any kind of abusive disciplinary measures. Working hours are always set in accordance with applicable local legislation.
Rieter is committed to the fundamental conventions of the International Labor Organization, the OECD guidelines for multinational companies and the principles opposed to the systematic exploitation of natural resources and raw materials.
Conflicts of interest
Rieter prohibits all forms of bribery and other corrupt business practices. In particular, Rieter employees or their agents may not offer, promise or give anything of value to officials or representatives of Rieterʼs customers or suppliers in order to gain an improper advantage. Furthermore, they may not accept gifts or favors from such persons.
As both a company and employer, Rieter complies, in good faith, with the applicable tax legislation and obligations in all countries in which the company operates. This applies to all direct and indirect taxes. Rieter also complies with international agreements and tax guidelines. In accordance with the Base Erosion and Profit Shifting (BEPS) campaigns of the OECD, Rieter prepares the Country-by-Country Report (CbCR) for the entire Rieter Group and makes it available to the Swiss tax authorities. Rieter shares the CbCR with the competent authorities in the countries that have signed the relevant agreements. Rieter recognizes that all taxes that the company pays and collects for governments are an integral part of corporate social responsibility.
Data protection
Rieter takes the protection of personal data very seriously. This includes all information that allows a person to be identified. The privacy statement provides information about which data the company collects and how it uses and protects the collected data. Rieter takes appropriate technical and organizational measures to protect personal data against manipulation, loss or access by unauthorized third parties. These measures are continuously checked and improved taking account of new technological developments.
Risk management
Rieter has introduced a comprehensive risk management system that also records and handles risks in connection with non-financial topics. The risk management process is regulated by the directive “Rieter Risk Management System”. This directive sets out the procedures for the identification, reporting and handling of risks, the criteria for qualitative and quantitative risk assessment, and the thresholds for reporting identified risks to the competent management levels.
Environmental risks are also evaluated and assessed as part of this risk assessment. Based on this analysis, various fields of action and measures have already been defined. At least once a year, the risks are assessed in the context of a workshop under the direction of the General Counsel and recorded in a report to the Board of Directors.
Conflict minerals
Besides the new law on transparency on non-financial matters, the Ordinance on Due Diligence and Transparency in relation to Minerals and Metals from Conflict-Affected Areas and Child Labor (DDTrO) entered into force in January 2023. In 2023, Rieter’s assessment of imported volumes of minerals and metals containing tin, tantalum, tungsten, or gold (so-called 3TG) did not identify any relevant import above the minimis amounts mentioned in the Swiss CO Ordinance. Hence, no additional due diligence in relation to minerals and metals from conflict-affected areas is required according to the Swiss Code of Obligations Art. 964j.
Child labor
In terms of child labor, there were no indications of reasonable suspicion of child labor in the production/delivery of the company’s products or services according to Rieter’s assessment conducted in 2023.

Reporting on non-finanical matters 2024
Rieter has a clearly defined sustainability strategy that is closely linked to the Group strategy. In the 2024 Annual Report, the report on non-financial matters shows the progress Rieter has made in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance.