Reporting on environmental targets following GRI

Rieter reports data on energy consumption (GRI 302), water (GRI-303), greenhouse gas emissions (GRI-305), acidification (GRI-305-7), and waste and recycling (GRI-306).

GRI 302: Energy

Energy consumption is a key indicator for Rieter. The company plans to switch entirely to renewable energy sources for heating and cooling by 2030. Since 2019, the company has continued to expand its solar capacity and now has access to more than 6 800 MWh of solar capacity at company-owned sites. Rieter is pressing ahead with the implementation of energy efficiency measures, particularly at its production sites in key markets. In doing so, the company focuses on integrated approaches that combine renewable resources with intelligent solutions. This saves money and reduces CO2 emissions. Wherever possible, energy specialists at Rieter exploit further potential savings measures, such as heat recovery in machines and the elimination of leaks in the compressed air network. Rieter aims to reduce energy consumption below 0.10 MWh per CHF 1 000 sales.

Disclosure 302-1 Energy consumption within the organization

Electricity and gas are still the two most important energy sources, accounting for about 42 percent and 36 percent of total consumption respectively. The share of renewable energies is being continuously expanded and reached around 15 percent in the reporting year, compared to 11 percent in the previous year.

At company-owned sites, about one-third of renewable energy comes from solar power. In China, India and the Czech Republic, Rieter has a total capacity of 6 800 MWh. In addition, Rieter is improving the energy mix at non-company-owned sites by sourcing sustainable energy for heating and cooling from solar power, green electricity, water, biogas and wood pellets.

As a consequence of energy shortages in recent years, Rieter had to resort in some cases to fossil-fueled emergency power generators. Regular maintenance and use increased the burning of fossil fuels from around four percent in 2022 to around seven percent in the year under review.

Chart: Energy Sources

The following table provides an overview of the total energy mix and the corresponding percentages of each energy source:

Energy source






58 580.18


49 130.74



47 342.10


41 780.45


Fuels, oil

4 907.60


8 333.03


Renewable energy

13 702.12


18 050.22



124 532.00


117 294.44


Renewable energy consisted of the following sources in 2023:

Energy Source


Photovoltaic systems

6 766.66 MWh


7 196.61 MWh

District heat, biomass, waste heat

2 589.84 MWh

Hydrogen power

1 147.72 MWh

Wood pellets

349.39 MWh

Renewable energy

18 050.22 MWh

Disclosure 302-4 Reduction of energy consumption

In 2023, Rieter reduced its energy consumption to 0.0827 MWh per CHF 1 000 of sales. This means that, for the second year in succession, energy consumption is below the target value for 2025 of 0.10 MWh per CHF 1 000 of sales. Compared to the base year level of 0.1697 MWh per CHF 1 000 of sales, the company has halved its energy consumption. In absolute figures, energy consumption in the 2023 reporting year was 117 294 MWh compared to 124 532 MWh in the previous year.

Chart: Energy consumption

Disclosure 302-5 Reductions in energy requirements of products and services

Energy efficiency is a hallmark of Rieter spinning systems. Climate change and rising energy costs require decisive action. That is why Rieter has increased its focus on energy efficiency and has set measurable targets for 2030. For decades, Rieter engineers have placed great emphasis on energy efficiency when developing new machines. This includes all machines relevant to the spinning process.

GRI 303: Water and Effluents

The textile industry as a whole has been criticized for its water consumption, particularly in cotton production, downstream processes and during the use phase. The manufacture of spinning machines, consumables, wear & tear and spare parts and the spinning process itself require very little water. The company pays special attention to the careful handling of this precious resource. Water consumption is reduced to the absolute minimum at all sites. Rieter aims to reduce water consumption below 0.275 m3 per CHF 1 000 sales by 2025.

GRI 303-3 Water withdrawal

Most of the water used by Rieter comes from municipal sources. Only minimal use is made of groundwater.





in %

Ground water

11 490 m3


9 226 m3


Municipal water

275 656 m3


206 177 m3



287 146 m3


215 403 m3



39 613 m3


-71 743 m3


In India, the company collects rain water:





Rainwater India

56 262 m3

61 719 m3

80 805 m

GRI 303-5 Water consumption

Rieter has improved water consumption for the third year running. Consumption fell from 0.197 m3 to 0.152 m3 per CHF 1 000 of sales. This represents a reduction of around 23 percent compared to the previous year, while sales decreased by around six percent. In relation to the base year 2020, the improvement is actually approximately 64 percent. Total water consumption in 2023 was 215 403 m3 compared to 287 146 m3 in the previous year. Water consumption per capita improved from 75.19 m3 to 68.33 m3, or about eight percent.

Chart: Water consumption

GRI 305: Emissions 2016

Greenhouse gas emissions at Rieter are mainly caused by the combustion of fossil fuels and the use of electricity as an energy source in the production process and operation of the sites. These are mainly CO2 emissions, with a relatively small proportion of SOx emissions. Publicly available data sources such as Ecoinvent and the International Energy Organization as well as country-specific profiles are used to determine the CO2 equivalence of electricity consumption. Rieter aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions to below 0.045 tons per CHF 1 000 of sales by 2025.

Rieter calculates the CO2 footprint on the basis of Scope 1 and Scope 2 of the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol, where Scope 1 refers to greenhouse gas emissions that Rieter releases directly due to the use of fossil fuels in its own operations. Scope 2, by contrast, measures indirect emissions that Rieter consumes but purchases from the electricity supplier. Since 2011, the data is collected annually in the SEED data base.

Disclosure 305-1 Direct (Scope 1) GHG emissions and disclosure 305-2 Energy indirect (Scope 2) GHG emissions

Emissions are as follows:





Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 1

CO2-Equivalent in metric tons

11 177.10

11 087.50

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Scope 2

CO2-Equivalent in metric tons

39 364.30

22 777.98

Total Greenhouse Gas Emissions

CO2-Equivalent in metric tons

50 541.40

33 865.48

Greenhouse Gas Emissions / Sales

t / 1 000 CHF sales



Change to previous year in Scope 1




Change to previous year in Scope 2


-3 460.74

-16 586.32

Change in Scope 1 and 2 to previous year


-2 719.67

-16 675.92

Disclosure 305-5 Reduction of GHG emissions

Greenhouse gas emissions declined by approximately 33 percent from 50 541 tons of CO2 equivalents in 2022 to 33 865 tons of CO2 equivalents in 2023. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions were reduced to 0.024 t per CHF 1 000 of sales in the reporting year compared to 0.035 t per CHF 1 000 of sales in the previous year, a decrease of approximately 31 percent. Compared to 0.069 t per CHF 1 000 of sales in the base year 2020, greenhouse gas emissions have been reduced by around 65 percent. For the second year running, Rieter thus exceeded its target of 0.045 t per CHF 1 000 of sales. Direct emissions from production, known as Scope 1, accounted for only half of one percent of the reduction. This is attributable to the increased use of fossil fuels and gas combined with high capacity utilization of production facilities. Scope 2 emissions, which arise indirectly from energy procurement, accounted for the remainder. This is the result of an enhanced energy mix combined with an improvement in the CO2 equivalent value of the electricity supplied.

Chart GHG-Emissions

Disclosure 305-7 Nitrogen oxides (NOx), sulfur oxides (SOx), and other significant air emissions

Rieter primarily measures acidification, which is measured in SOx. SOx emissions are formed in industrial plants when fossil fuels are burned for the production process. Emergency generators are also used at some sites to maintain production capacity in the event of a power outage. Legally required air purification systems and filters at all Rieter sites help reduce acidification.

Absolute sulfur dioxide emissions (SOx) were 15.19 tons compared to 9.47 tons in the previous year. For every CHF 1 000 of sales, therefore, the company emitted 0.0107 kg of SOx, compared with 0.0065 kg per CHF 1 000 in the previous year, an increase of around 65 percent. In the year under review, Rieter only narrowly missed the target set for 2025 of 0.010 kg per CHF 1 000. Compared with the base year 2020, in which the company recorded 0.0144 kg per CHF 1 000 of sales, Rieter reduced emissions by around 25 percent in the reporting year.





Absolute SOx-emissions




SOx emissions / CHF 1 000 sales

t / CHF 1000 sales



Chart: acidification

GRI 306: Waste

The textile industry is raw material-intensive, which is why Rieter pays attention to the careful use of resources at all production sites. The focus here is on the circular economy. The aim is for raw materials to be used several times in the value creation process. Waste is generated, in particular, during the manufacture of machines and components. The Group has introduced a new waste disposal system in 2021 and set up collection points for sorting waste. Rieter plans to reduce waste to less than 10 kg per CHF 1 000 sales by 2025.

Disclosure 306-3 Waste generated






Hazardous Waste

1 081.24 t


877.62 t


Municipal Waste

1 031.77 t


484.91 t


External Recycling

10 636.32 t


8 629.58 t



12 749.33 t


9 992.11 t



At 7.04 kg in 2023, the Rieter sites were once again well below the waste and recycling target for 2025 of 10 kg per CHF 1 000 of sales. This represents an improvement of almost 20 percent compared to the previous year (8.77 kg per CHF 1 000 of sales) and around 38 percent compared to the base year 2020 (11.34 kg per CHF 1 000 of sales). Rieter uses resources sparingly and strives to recycle as much material as possible. Compared to the previous year, the recycling rate increased from around 84 to 86 percent.

Chart Waste and Recycling

GRI 308: Supplier Environmental Assessment 2016

Rieter is working intensively to reduce its environmental footprint in all areas of the company and, together with its suppliers, along the entire value chain.

Disclosure 308-1 New suppliers that were screened using environmental criteria

The Supplier Code of Conduct was updated in 2022 and now also includes provisions on the reduction of CO2 emissions. A vast majority of suppliers has signed the Supplier Code of Conduct.

Interior view of the showroom in the Rieter Innovation Center in Winterthur, Switzerland: A Rieter expert presents various textiles made with yarn spun on Rieter machines.

Reporting on non-finanical matters 2024

Rieter has a clearly defined sustainability strategy that is closely linked to the Group strategy.  In the 2024 Annual Report, the report on non-financial matters shows the progress Rieter has made in the areas of environmental, social and corporate governance.